Re(2): [SunRescue] a bit OT but...

Bill Bradford mrbill at
Thu Mar 16 16:37:00 CST 2000

On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 05:03:48PM -0500, apotter at wrote:
> mrbill at said:
> > Anybody have a use for the VME cardcage, fan blower assembly, power
> > distribution module, or six power supplies (1200 watts each!) for a
> > Sun 4/690MP?
> Nope, but I've been keeping my eyes open for a 690 enclosure cheap in the 
> Baltimore / DC area.  I need some rack space, and I figure it might as well 
> look kewl.
> AL

I had one in PERFECT shape, but had to sell it to pay bills a couple of months
ago.. if I'd only been able to hold onto it.. new job eliminates the "selling
hardware to pay bills" problem. 8-)


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at |
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