[SunRescue] Source for 50 pin drives...

Martin Wedel xsintrk at xsintrk.net
Wed Mar 8 23:56:30 CST 2000

>.>  Check out www.hitechcafe.com. I've had pretty good luck with     
>.>and they have a pretty decent selection.  I got some 3.5GB full    
>.>for my 670MP for around 58 bucks.                                  
>.>They had a decent price on 9-GB Fibre channel drives, are there any
>.>(cheap) Sbus Fibre-channel cards out there?  : )                   
>.>>.>I'm looking for three of 3.5in 50 pin drives                    
>.>>.>for a SS10 and IPC.   I'd consider 2GB's and                    
>.>>.>1GB's (I don't need anything bigger than 4GB                    
>.>>.>at max...the server has 9GB...just need boot and                
>.>>.>some play space...) I know what the Ultra 50pin                 
>.>>.>drives run, (had to get a replacement 9GB last year)            
>.>>.>so I'm not necessarily looking for that.  Used                  
>.>>.>is fine.  Cheap is better.  Who do folks                        
>.>>.>recommend?  (I've seen plenty on EBay for $50                   
>.>>.>but there's gotta be a better price than that...)               
>.>>.>Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org                          
>.>-Martin Wedel                                                      
>.> webmaster, XsinTRK.net                                            
>.>Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org                             
-Martin Wedel                                                         
 webmaster, XsinTRK.net                                               
**That was 58$ for two 3.5Gb drives, and pardon my grammar. :)        

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