[SunRescue] ugh.

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Wed Mar 22 19:23:06 CST 2000

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 nick at ns.snowman.net wrote: 

> Be glad you didn't get shipped off to california with 24hr notice till
> further notice <Grin>

And be hopeful that you don't get stuck in traffic, arrive at the airport
just in time for your flight, check some baggage out of the goodness of
your heart and then get singled out for a random full security check
causing you to miss your flight.

Of course the bags were full of a few kilobucks of misc Sun h/w (coming
back from doing a setup at a colocation facility) causing no end of grief
from the security personnel. 

-James [not having a good day either]

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