[SunRescue] Postscript mousepad found!

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Tue Mar 21 19:10:10 CST 2000

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Kyle Freestone wrote:

> Had to stop and try it again -just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating
> yep, it works... the movement is jerky and relational to the scale of the grid.
> i.e. it takes a few hand shuffles to move the cursor vary far on my 20"
> monitor
> Don't know what the difference is.  The mouse says "Model: Type 5
> SUN No: 370-1398-04"  the pad is the one at 
> http://www.obsolyte.com/sunFAQ/sun3mousepad.html

There is very little chance of getting a type-5 mouse to work well with
this mousepad.  At $12/ea brand new from Sun I'd definately go for the
real thing.

Type-3 and type-4 do seem to work tolerably well if you use good glossy


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