[SunRescue] Aprentiship

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Mar 16 10:47:20 CST 2000

On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 03:51:54AM -0800, bob i thomas wrote:
> How would one start an apprentiship for Systems Admininstration in todays (unix)business market.
> please msg me back if you can help, I have been looking for an apprentiship for about a year now... with no success.
>                   thanks Jon Campbell
> ps:sorry for any spelling errors. 

Get a job as tech support with a local ISP; suck up to the sysadmin. 8-)

Bill (hey, at least thats kinda how I did it...)

| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------------+
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+--------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------------------------------------------+

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