[SunRescue] anciente tapes de SunOS.....

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Mar 1 16:54:21 CST 2000

On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 03:20:02PM -0500, BSD Bob wrote:
> I guess some sort of coordination needs to be done via Heiko Krupp, 
> in Germany, since he has the master archives, AND, the requisite
> permissions from Sun.  Heiko, are you around?  Bill, what's your take
> on expanding the archives?

I've got plenty of space.  If someone can put the files up for FTP, burn
them to an ISO9660 CD-ROM, or something, I can add them to the archives.


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------+
| Version: 3.12                                                         |
| GCS d- s:++ a- C++++ US++++ P+ L- E--- W+++ N++ o K+++ w--- O- M-- V- |
| PS PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X- R-- tv+++ b++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++ h r++ y+     |
+-----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----------------------------------------------+

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