[SunRescue] Other OSes (compared to Integraph)

Paul Khoury - Tech Support pkhoury3 at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 1 00:46:34 CST 2000

At 11:54 PM 2/29/00 -0600, you wrote:
>> I think you hafta load MPTS (multi protocol transport system or
something like that),
>> which controls the drivers and setup of TCP/IP, etc.
>I'm still totally clueless as to where I find this. I don't think it is on
>the 3.0 CD, or diskettes.

What version of OS/2?
Should tell you when you boot up.

Or do ver /r at the commannd line (cmd.exe).
>> And I thought Integraphs were bad... =)
>Mine wasn't. Dude loaded the software (everything a UNIX box needs) and
>licenses and I did the rest. I only recently added the man pages.
What speed is it?

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