[SunRescue] Sbus FDDI continued...

XsinTRK xsintrk at xsintrk.net
Wed Jun 21 15:14:14 CDT 2000

   Here is what I have. Sun 670MP running 2.5, updated to the lastest
jumbo patch release. I would love to get at least one of the FDDI/S cards
I have working, but I am at a loss as how to do this, being relatively new
to solaris. What do i need as far as drivers, and more importantly, does
anyone actually have these and would be able to provide me copy? 

Any help is appreciated, and I'm not above buying someone a 12 pack for
their time.

Also, along the same lines, does anyone have experience with Sbus ATM
cards? I have an available OC3 port on my router, and though I am sure
that the sbus can't sustain that amount of throughput, what is out there
available, and what cards should I avoid. My end goal is to not be tied to
the onboard 10b ethernet.


-Martin Wedel

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