[SunRescue] Why I like Sun...

David Murphy drjolt at redbrick.dcu.ie
Fri Jun 16 09:03:06 CDT 2000

Quoting <013c01bfd739$c4723530$6401a8c0 at double333>
by Ken Hansen <n2vip at bellatlantic.net>:

> I suspect the issue would be the warranty.

I'd happily waive the warranty, if it meant I could actually buy a

> My unit was made in Scotland!

Oh, that's just adding insult to injury, that is.

When asked if it is true that he uses his wheelchair as a weapon he will reply:
"That's a malicious rumour. I'll run over anyone who repeats it."
Stephen Hawking - [http://www.smh.com.au/news/0001/07/features/features1.html]
David Murphy - For PGP public key, send mail with Subject: send-pgp-key

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