[SunRescue] Re: Disk partitioning

BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Jul 23 16:28:05 CDT 2000

On Sun, Jul 23, 2000 at 09:35:19PM +0200, Mattias Nordlund wrote:
> > www.decvax.org/vax6000 for what I rescued earlier this week 8-)
> Nice, used to have a VAX6000-440 at our computerclub. You can images of it
> here:
> ftp://goliat.eagle.y.se/eagle/bilder/990212/vax6440_openfront.jpg
> ftp://goliat.eagle.y.se/eagle/bilder/990212/vax6440_backshot.jpg
> ftp://goliat.eagle.y.se/eagle/bilder/990212/vax6440_backofcardcages.jpg
> ftp://goliat.eagle.y.se/eagle/bilder/990212/vax6440.jpg

Not bad.

> What are you going to run on it anyway? Ultrix? VMS? If you have any
> questions about VAX6000 you can ask me, we have had 2 of them.

NetBSD, once the port is done.. VMS until then.. but I cant run
either until I find a pair of 32mb RAM cards.. 8-(


+-------------------\ /-----------------+
| Bill Bradford      |  www.sunhelp.org |
| mrbill at mrbill.net  |   www.decvax.org |
| Austin, Texas USA  |    www.pdp11.org |
+-------------------/ \-----------------+

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