[SunRescue] Q on "optimal" OS for Sun4c machines, now that Solaris 8 won't run

JonathanEischjeisch at boku.net JonathanEischjeisch at boku.net
Wed Jul 12 15:29:46 CDT 2000

Dave McGuire wrote:
>   I dunno, from my perspective it's pretty mainstream.  I can drive
> through my area and point to no less than a dozen buildings in which
> there are SPARCstations running NetBSD.  They're all around me.  Seems
> pretty mainstream to me.  Maybe I'm just lucky?

Actually, I live in central Wisconsin, and I've yet to find a bigger
installation of SparcStations than in my house (two sparcstations and my
SparcBook) in a 100 mile radius (the local colleges use all NT).


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