[SunRescue] Q on "optimal" OS for Sun4c machines, now that Solaris8 won't runn
JonathanEischjeisch at boku.net
JonathanEischjeisch at boku.net
Wed Jul 12 11:20:23 CDT 2000
Mike Hebel wrote:
> As a fairly new user of Sun hardware (about a year or so now) I find that
> unless you're very experienced with computers then the Sun 4c class of
> machines will probably only frustrate you.
I'm a kinda new user, started in '97 or something around there. and my
first box was an ELC with a external disk and cd, running Solaris
2.5.1. I'd say that it worked out just fine for me, learning to use
perl, apache, printing, nfs, useful stuff like that. OpenWindows wasn't
too bad for terminal type stuff (but I realized it wasn't 'fast' when I
tried to start the HotJava browser. oops %-)
I liked my ELC so much that i'm looking for one to put in my bedroom for
early morning e-mail (they are pretty quiet, eh?).
> IMHO the Sun 4m systems (SS2, IPX, I think - correct me if I've got it
> wrong) would be a much better starting point for "newbies".
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