[SunRescue] 72-pin parity SIMMs

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at double-barrel.be
Mon Jan 24 02:26:36 CST 2000

If you have left some memory for a IPX I'm interested... 16 MB SIMMs 

Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike, 
Sportstraat 28			http://www.double-barrel.be/mvergall/
B 9000 Gent			ftp://ftp.double-barrel.be/pub/linux/
Belgium				tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, James Lockwood wrote:

> Anyone out there need some 4MB or 16MB parity 72-pin SIMMs?  I'm cleaning
> things out and have plenty of the following:
> 4MB 36-bit 80ns
> 16MB 33-bit 70ns
> Both will work in an IPX or ELC.  The 16MB modules work fine in the
> Classic/LX/Axil-245 even though the spec for those models is 60ns RAM,
> I ran 6 of these in my LX for over half a year.  They're all Goldstar,
> Samsung and Hitachi so I expect they're overspecced a bit.
> These are _33-chip_ SIMMs, btw, so they are a bit on the big side.
> Open to interesting trades or offers.  I guess they're worth about $1/ea
> for the 4MB and $12/ea for the 16MB but feel free to make me an offer.
> All of them would work fine in anything that did not require parity, of
> course.
> Anyone want to trade a SS4 mb for a SS5 mb?  I'm cramming one into the
> back of an ELC case and the onboard video and low power consumption of the
> SS4 would be a big plus. 
> -James
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