[SunRescue] Do me a favor

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at STEV.net
Tue Jan 25 09:00:46 CST 2000

rescue at sunhelp.org,Internet writes:
>If y'all have a minute, take a look at http://leenux.mrbill.net, and mail
>me and let me know if you like that format/layout better than the current
>sunhelp.org page layout.  Note that links will most likely be broke
>for the "guidebar" at the top pointing to the info, hardware ref, and 
>vendor list), and there's no banner ads, but this is just a test layout.
>I also got rid of php3 and moved entirely to server-side includes, because
>I was using no php3-specific features...

Nice and clean, now if only the advertisers would pay for an ad the size
of your placeholder....
on a usability note, for example the info page is kinda long would it be
useful to put a small (1 line) menubar with links to the different
sections of the page near the top?

On that page there are 20 sections (and I like them on one page) I just
think it would be easier to navigate if you had a small menu, either
across the page, or maybe down the side ala http://www.slashdot.org.  Not
all those obnoxious slashdot boxes, just the little column of text links
near the top left.


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