[SunRescue] Shells

Eric Ozrelic erico at bendcable.com
Fri Jan 21 04:48:14 CST 2000

What shell does everybody like to run? I've used tcsh before and I like
it but does it work on Solaris 2.7? If it does work, does anybody know
where to get the newest version. Oh, one more
thing I'm having problems uncompressing tared archives (ex: file.tar.gz) . I
Solaris doesn't have gzip/gunzip. How might one get around this
pesky problem? I've tried "zcat file.tar.gz | tar -xvf -" but it always
me an error. Please forgive me if my questions seem simplistic and stupid
but I'm really new to Solaris and new to Unix in general (all the stuff
I've learned has been on BSD based Unix flavors)


Eric Ozrelic
aka ProjektSUN

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