[SunRescue] CPU's

Jeff elslooj at goldeninter.net
Sun Jan 2 12:10:39 CST 2000

Either on this list, or the sunhelp one, someone was saying that they
can pick up SM51's for under $100, and closer to $50.. Well, where does
one go to find a deal such as this?  I've looked at various sites and
all were above $100, some closer to $200.  If you have any or just one
let me know.  I'd like to get SM61's,  or 71's but I don't know how much
more these run.
Also, I just got this 630MP (hence the processor inquiry), and I was
wondering what a few things on it were.  On the right side (if you're
looking at it from the front) there's these metal plates covering some
slots that are maybe 6-10 inches long.  Two of them.  What are they?
It's not the system board, I know where that is.  Also next to the
system board, there's another slot.. that's for a ram board right?
Where can I find one of these?

Thanks in advance,


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