[SunRescue] 3/60 crate

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Feb 28 08:28:34 CST 2000

On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 02:12:21AM -0800, Paul Khoury wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:05:22 +0000, P.A.Osborne wrote:
> >I have it cracked!   I get the machine here to the office so I can install
> >it,  then when the girlfriend is away for a few days in a couple of weeks,
> >it can go in the front door!  Dunno where I will put it yet though,  but
> >I will think of somewhere.
> Put it in the bathroom or kitchen - she'll never find it there 
> - and you can spend > time there more productively =)
> Paul

Anybody ever hear the Johnny Cash song about the guy who worked for
Cadillac and built himself a Caddy by slipping out all the parts, one
at a time..? 8-)  Build your own sparc, just with tailfins.....


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------+
| Version: 3.12                                                         |
| GCS d- s:++ a- C++++ US++++ P+ L- E--- W+++ N++ o K+++ w--- O- M-- V- |
| PS PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X- R-- tv+++ b++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++ h r++ y+     |
+-----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----------------------------------------------+

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