Multia (was) Re: RE: [SunRescue] Solaris 2.5.1/PPC

Greg A. Woods woods at
Wed Feb 2 09:33:54 CST 2000

[ On Wednesday, February 2, 2000 at 04:18:23 (-0800), Paul Khoury wrote: ]
> Subject: Multia (was) Re: RE: [SunRescue] Solaris 2.5.1/PPC

Could someone please do something about this extremely horrible
subject-line munging that's going on here -- this list is far worse than
most other's I'm on, partly because so many people seem to use really
broken mailers that do stupid things like "Re: RE: Re: RE:" and even
more stupid things like "Re(2):" as well as the utlimately stupidity of
the list itself putting its name on the subject line, which causes
extreme ugliness when stuff is cross-posted to another list that has the
same brain damage.

The Subject header. is the sole domain of the user writing the message.
Although the convention of adding a "Re:" prefix to indicate a reply is
long standing even that is not necessary.  Please stop messing with the
subject header!  Yesterday I had one thread with four or five separate
forms of the subject header, all of them due to broken software and
braindead MLM hacks.  If you want to sort your mail by mailing list then
please use a mailer that can do this by way of the many other headers
already available with the necessary information to do such sorting.

Now to the real business:

> One thing I will say - I bet I could run my Sun 3/75 on the carpet longer than
> the Multia horizontal (I accidently did that with my 3/75, and the carpet
> was pretty hot!).

Yup, but that's entirely to be expected.  I can't really remember how
much power a 16MHz 68020 requires, but I'd bet it's less than 20W
whereas even the wimpy 166MHz Alpha in the low-end Multia like I've got
sucks 75W all on its own.  All that power has to be turned into heat and
yes if you run it with the cover off you'll give yourself a third-degree
burn if you try and hold your hand on the heat-sink, fan or no fan.

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoods at>      <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <woods at>; Secrets of the Weird <woods at>

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