[SunRescue] SMP Sparc

ward at zilla.nu ward at zilla.nu
Tue Feb 1 15:33:37 CST 2000

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 01:25:40PM -0800, Paul Khoury wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to chain multiple SPARCs together in Solaris
> much like Beowulf Linux to get SMP?
> Especially with out a lot of recompilling?

A few common misconceptions about Beowulf/MPI:

1.  It's not SMP.  It's almost parallel.
2.  Beowulf is just MPI/PVM plus some better shared mem stuff and network link
3.  MPI/PVM requires LOTS of recoding, unless your app supports MPI/PVM.
4.  Most UNIX systems can use MPI/PVM.  HP and Convex both shipped commercial
versions that would integrate with the Convex SPP series.
4.  Your app needs to be something that will fit that model well; many FEA type
things do, many other apps don't.


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