[SunRescue] Real ISP

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Feb 24 13:13:36 CST 2000

On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Tim Hauber wrote:
> rescue at sunhelp.org writes:
> >I am about to embark on loading an Intel box with dual NICs and Linux so
> >that it can masquerade the other boxes I'd like to run on the 'network.' 
> >This might go beyond my ISPs expertise, but I believe that they will be
> >open to what I'm doing and 'learn' from it.
> >Others should be so fortunate.  Regards,

Having worked in the ISP industry since 1995, its sad to see access providers
"dumb down" and go the way of "windows or nothing".  

"back in my day" - a good tech support person needed only a telephone to do
tech support, and at most, maybe a vt100 (or emulated) dumb terminal to 
look up some user info or mail logs, etc.  I used to be able to walk someone
completely through setting up dialup networking on a Windows box (without using
the setup wizard) while kicked back in my chair with my eyes closed.  Things
like that, a tech SHOULDNT need a reference for.

Remember Trumpet Winsock?

Now, you've got guys who cant do tech support without a web browser and
an Intranet full of "common problems and solutions".  Its sad.

Gone are the days when tech support could get someone with an oddball operating
system connected and using the 'Net, without instructions - just because they
considered it a challenge.  Now, if its not "supported", most ISPs dont want
their people messing with it.  Instead of "we can try to get you online, no
guarantees, but lets give it a shot" its now "sorry, not supported, buhbye".

*sigh*  I think I'm gonna bring my vt100 to work tomorrow, hook it up to the
serial port on this UltraSPARC, and show these guys what REAL tech support is


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
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| PS PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X- R-- tv+++ b++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++ h r++ y+     |
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