[SunRescue] Tim Ranting

Robert Wallis rawallis at bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Tue Feb 29 21:25:48 CST 2000

> You know you're a geek when your monitor is bigger than your TV.
	I'll agree with that. I'll also throw in that you're a geek if you spend more time on your computer than watching TV and only use a TV/VCR to watch movies and ocassional cable/air channels. Only thing that can top that is if your audio equipment on a computer is better than on a stereo or TV.
> My monitor is a GDM20E20.  19"-20" or so.  Trinitron.
> My TV is a cheapie $175 19", VIS about 17" or so.
	As far as monitors go,  1 17"(Can't remember the type off-hand and away from it) Sun and 1 17" no name for my PC(also doubles as a TV through a tuner card and an el cheapo VCR to watch movies and anime when time permits. 
	TV: POS 12" Samsung that used to double as a monitor for my C64.
	-Andy Wallis 

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