[SunRescue] What am I, and how did I get here ( CG12 on a SS2)

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 6 09:45:47 CST 2000

on 12/6/00 4:01, Stou Sandalski at tangui at cell2000.net wrote:

> I am actualy surprised at how fast this thing runs when you log in through
> telnet, on the console its slow slow slow, I even put this netbsd hack on it
> so it works faster, and it does but its still slow....

The actual console (non-graphical) is pretty slow on older systems due to
limitations in the monitor - it actually runs at 9600 baud to the screen.
(Trivia: anybody remember the VT emulation of the original sun monitor?)

I was reminded of this last night as I was firing up an SS2 to while away
the time.  (You know it's getting bad when you stick a sbus ether/scsi card
into the box to get a 10-baseT jack rather than hunt for the box of


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