[SunRescue] Slightly [OT], Sun's legal battles

Maarten Deen mdeen at xs4all.nl
Mon Apr 17 12:23:41 CDT 2000

Sun's legal battling may not be over.

I was flying to London today, and leaving Duesseldrof airport I saw a
plane with written on it in large letters 'Sunexpress'. My first thought
was of course 'Hey, does Sun have corporate planes for their employees?'
The plane in question was a boeing 737-200, too large I think to be just
a plane for Scott.
Then I noticed the little Turkish flag, and thought 'Sun is not going to
like that!'.

I did a quick search, and the seventh hit lycos gave me was:
http://fl-plus.com/sun_a3.htm, describing (in German) how a tour operator
hopes that this airline will establish itself.
Apparently it is linked with Condor, a large German touroperator(?) with
their own fleet of planes.

I'm really interested what those little green laywers at Sun think about


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