[SunRescue] Sony CDU-55s

Matthew Haas wedge at onlineimage.com
Tue Nov 16 07:23:51 CST 1999

Good morning.

I have had this 2X Sony drive kicking around for a while. It's currently
sitting in a 411 case, of which I would like to eventually use as a
semi-portable CD-ROM drive for Suns. The only problem is that the drive
will not boot off CDs. I am assuming it is due to it being in 2048 byte
block mode? 

The prom recognizes the drive, the drive in fact works. It also starts the
boot off CD-ROM-

With Debian Linux it brings up the initial screen, but it always fails to
load the boot kernel

With Solaris 2.5.1 it seems to start booting, but no messages appear on
the screen and it just sits there.

Can this drive be adapted to use 512 byte blocks? 

------*-*-*----------------------------------------<< >>--
      * * *       Atari 8-bit!  Battlestar: Galactica * Descent * SCSI
      * * *      400/800/XL/XE  Star Raiders * Galaga * SPARCstation LX
  *  *  *  *  * 2600/5200/7800  Star Wars * Voltron * Star Trek * Summer
   **   *   **  
--Linux/SPARC-Debian-2.1--------------!  ! ! L I N U X ! !  !-----2.2.13--

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