[SunRescue] MP3s

Peter Koch koch at pz.pirmasens.de
Tue Nov 23 02:33:53 CST 1999


>No kidding?
Sure not.


Sorry, it is in german.

>What speed is the LX?

Same as the Classic

>...xaudio or mpeg3play.

Yes, i made the same experience. mpg123 is a command-line tool
and is optimized enough to work on the LX (or a 486DX100).

>I was under the impression that they
(LX and Classic)
>are similar machines.

The LX ist the "Multimedia" machine. It has bISDN, better graphics
(CG6 instead of CG3) and maybe (i don't know exactly) a better
sound chip (but i doubt this).



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