[SunRescue] Re: A small problem.... Remedy

apotter at icsa.net apotter at icsa.net
Fri Nov 19 12:27:17 CST 1999

Ed.Mitchell at centigram.com said:
> Well, I try not to be inflamatory(in fact I prefer to lurk 90% of the
> time)...but...

Inflammation is sometimes the proper response...

> ripping people off is dead wrong.  I say expose the culprit(s) and
> hang them by their entrails with fishhooks and poke their eyes out
> with rusty sporks.  THEN remove them from the list. :) 

There is now, and has alway been an unwritten rule covering this situation.  
If somebody screws you, and continues to screw you after you have given them 
the opportunity to remedy the situation, you scream about it.

Tell the world (the list, and/or ALL relevant news groups), in great gory 
detail, the exact facts of the situation.  The remainder of us will take care 
of the rest of the remedy by NEVER dealing with the person again, and you may 
get the deal straightened out in the process.

Think of it as evolution in action......

<sharpening the hooks>
| Al Potter                          Senior Network Security Analyst |
| apotter at-yay icsa ot-day net               Manager, Firewall Lab |
| (If the spambots learn piglatin...)                      ICSA Labs |
| PGP Key: 0x58C95451                            http://www.icsa.net |
| PGP Fingerprint:  D3 1D BE 8C B5 DD 12 61  5A 4A 65 32 93 E5 D9 36 |

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