[SunRescue] Quick IDPROM Question...

James Lockwood lockwood at ISI.EDU
Tue May 25 16:00:45 CDT 1999

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Chris Petersen wrote:

> I've got a fresh out of the wrapper IPX board that I'm installing, and no
> reference for direction of the chip.  If somebody can pop open their IPX and
> give me an orientation (which side of the socket does the big dot on the top
> of the Timekeeper chip end up on in orientation to the board), I'd
> appreciate it!

The dot on the top of the chip indicates pin #1.  On some boards there is
a rectangle around the socket silkscreened onto the board with a notch at
one end, this also indicates pin #1 (put the dot and the notch on the same
side).  On other boards you either need to look for a small "1"
silkscreened on the component side, or a square solder pad on the solder

> Mark Henderson, if you're catching this, this would be a great thing to add
> to the FAQ at some point in time...

Which FAQ is this?  I've been slowly but steadily updating my copy of the
Sun h/w reference in hope of a new release, are other people working on
parallel projects?


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