[SunRescue] Pin Connections for 3 wire serial cable

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at double-barrel.be
Fri May 21 02:54:48 CDT 1999


look for a standard null modem cable wireing... I don't have the time to
post the wireing but those cables are common as muck... so simply lookup
on a pc hardware reference site.

Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike, 
Sportstraat 28			http://www.double-barrel.be/mvergall/
B 9000 Gent			ftp://ftp.double-barrel.be/pub/linux/
Belgium				tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976
On Fri, 21 May 1999, Creasey, Jon wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I'm trying to hook up a 3/160 to my pc and was wondering what pin
> requirements were needed it's a 25pin connector on the sun to a 9 pin on my
> pc can anyone give me a cable spec that will work.
> I tried a standard modem cable and it didn't appear to work.  The 3/160 went
> all the way to the led flashing stage without anything appearing on the
> terminal screen.
> --
> Jon Creasey
> Intranet/Internet Administrator
> JCreasey at wakefield.gov.uk
> -- 
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