[SunRescue] Diskless Workstations

Sheldon T. Hall shall1 at columbus.rr.com
Tue May 18 16:57:01 CDT 1999

Hmmm.  If that naming convention is in the Sun doco, I sure missed it.

I might ask your buddy if he knows anything about doing that on Solaris.


From: 	Tim Hauber[SMTP:Tim_Hauber at STEV.net]
Sent: 	Tuesday, May 18, 1999 5:39 PM
To: 	rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: 	Re: [SunRescue] Diskless Workstations

I have a friend that did it while I was talking on the phone, and he sure
made it sound simple.

It requires a tftp server and a rarp server on the "server" machine, with
the rarp server allocating an IP number to the "client"  the client then
contacts the tftp server and asks for a file that is named with the type
of machine and the  IP number in hex format, this is the boot image file. 
I don't remember the exact naming rules, but it is very specific.  Once
you have the "Server" set up, you boot the client to the prom, (type "n"
for new command) then type in "net boot" and it goes.  One of the slickest
things I ever saw.  I'm sure my friend can point you at the documentation
he used <wedge at onlineimage.com>.  He is running debian Linux, and was
netbooting an IPX from a SS2.

"Proximity to wonder has blunted our perception and appreciation of it"
--Tim Hartnell in 'Exploring ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE on your Commodore 64'

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