[SunRescue] IPX sound port?

Jerry Harvill jharvill at epix.net
Tue Jun 15 12:12:14 CDT 1999

The part # is 530-1702-01 It splits it into a jack for in and out
Hope that helps

-----Original Message-----
From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of apotter at icsa.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 11:10 AM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] IPX sound port?

> >What can I use this for?  Do I need a sbus card or add-on of
> > some kind to use this port?
> 	The IPX  comes with an on board sound card, if I am not mistaken
> and the port in question is for speakers(proprietry of course and the only
> speakers that will fit will be Sun speakers)

Actually, there is a little pigtail that plugs into the DIN connector, which
then accepts a standard mini-plug for speakers and a mic.  Sorry, I don't
the part number handy, but they aren't too hard to find.

| Al Potter                          Senior Network Security Analyst |
| apotter at-yay icsa ot-day net                           ICSA Labs |
|                                                http://www.icsa.net |
| If the spambots learn piglatin........                             |
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