[SunRescue] wolf in sheeps clothing...

P.A.Osborne P.A.Osborne at ukc.ac.uk
Tue Dec 21 08:52:37 CST 1999

On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 08:18:55AM -0600, Geoff Koehler wrote:
> Hmmm,
> Sounds like a cycle 5 board to me.  Its essentially a sparc 5
> motherboard.  I dont remember the details, but they are expandable to
> 128M (with 30-pin + sparc 5 memory) and can have CPU's from 70 to 170
> MHz.  I have one (im typing on it now) and its great.  I too, got it for
> the price of a sparc 2 :).  Check out http://www.cyclecc.com

Having just looked at the web site,  that looks like what I have.

Excellent!  many thanks.

Seems I have accidently found myself a sparc with some grunt, yippee.


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