[SunRescue] a sad, sad day

Sheldon T. Hall shall1 at columbus.rr.com
Wed Dec 15 19:01:39 CST 1999

On Wednesday, December 15, 1999 11:17 AM, ward at zilla.nu wrote:
> Some places, like the University of Mississippi, have strange 
> tables, or rather, a lack thereof.
> An 8086 that cost $5k in 1986 is worth $5k today.  However, if you 
upgraded with
> a $500 386 board, it is now worth $5500.  You can slate it for auction if 
> want, but that's troublesome red tape, so folks just hand 'em over to 
> control for storage, who then clean it out later with no concept of the 
> of the equipment.  They just know that these old 8086s are worthless, so 
most of
> the eqipment they touch is classified as "worthless obsolete junk."  The 
> auctions are often fun, as you can find old Vax eq and pentiums at times, 
> the folks I know mostly go fo rcars and furniture.
> It may even be a State of MS thing, rather than a Univ thing.

Nah, must be a University thing.  They all seem to do it.

Here, Ohio State U. has a "surplus department" whose specialty seems to be 
losing computer parts.  They don't know that a, say, DEC 3100 keyboard 
isn't the same as a PC keyboard (or a Mac keyboard) so when the DEC 
workstation hits the department, they toss the keyboard in the keyboard 
box, put the monitor on the monitor shelf, and put the base unit on the 
computer shelf.

When they get too many of something, they just take 'em all to the 

The result is that you can find an HP X-terminal base, but not the special 
keyboard or monitor for it .... or a Sun type 3 mouse, but no Sun 

Ghod only knows what sort of obscure bookkeeping nonsense they go through 
with this stuff.


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