[SunRescue] a sad, sad day

P.A.Osborne P.A.Osborne at ukc.ac.uk
Thu Dec 16 10:41:15 CST 1999

On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 04:28:05PM +0000, Martin Frost wrote:
> > I'm waiting till we start chucking our 10s 20s 4s and 5s,  but thats
> > not likely to happen until the summer.
> When you do, let me know. I'll pay good money for 10s and 20s...

I will bear it in mind,  once I have them at home.

> > We just flogged 4 of them for 2500 gbp, I wasnt allowed to skip them
> > as apparently they are worth money.
> Well specced? Any more going? I'd pay 2500 for a fairly loaded one.

We were forced to sell the kit to a company as apparently we are not
allowed to sell kit to individuals....

Yes I know I should have mailed the mailing list but the powers that be...

> > But they want silly money,   example  800gbp for a sparcstation2,
> > 64mb ram, 1gb disk, cg3 gfx and 17" monitor.  Fortunately I have
> > managed to get three of these my work by supplying the skip!
> Yup. It would cost less than that to buy one in the US, pay the
> 40% import duty and the shipping.


> There are often some good deals on Ebay, but quite often they won't
> ship outside the US, or there's a big monitor in the bundle which
> would cost too much to ship.

Ahhh,  think I will just wait patiently here for the maintenance to 
creep up....  With any luck I can get a to be skipped Indy tomorrow.

> Another point: is there a table anywhere of which MBus modules can
> go in which machines?

Havent found one yet,  if you do...



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