[SunRescue] CDROM recommendations etc for a ss10, linux

Peter N. M. Hansteen peter at datadok.no
Wed Aug 18 09:51:24 CDT 1999


I bought a headless ss10 a little while back, and I'm now
in the process of kitting it out properly. The local sun
dealers (www.sdata.no if anyone's interested) aren't terribly
responsive to my emails, so I'm hoping for some pointers here.

I'll be installing redhat 6 on the machine, and I'm considering
getting the ss10 its very own external cdrom drive. Now i'm a
bit confused about the exact requirements for such a drive.
Will any old SCSI drive do? What are the crucial questions to

Also, the machine will hopefully not remain entirely headless
for long, I just got hold of a 19" monitor (GDM-1962B - the full
cubic metre ;) ), but I'm still short a graphics card (framebuffer)
and keyboard/mouse. I'd be very pleased to hear about any source
of either of these who would be interested in at least answering
emailed requests.

all the best,
Peter N. M. Hansteen  peter at datadok.no http://www.datadok.no 
Datadokumentasjon A/S, Bredsgaarden 2, N-5003 Bergen, Norway
Tel: +47 55 32 08 02                    Fax: +47 55 32 14 95

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