[geeks] How?

Nick B nick at pelagiris.org
Tue Jan 9 13:31:29 CST 2018

The microcode has had the ability to update for years.

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com>

> (I am posting this to geeks, where I think this topic is fair game, I hope
> that's OK.)
> Intel, AMD and ARM have been caught up in a security vulnerability, much
> discussed in the tech and mainstream media, where a rouge process could
> dump
> Protected Kernel space by executing a certain instruction designed to move
> protected memory into a register despite the instruction being invalid,
> based
> on process authorization.
> Intel is committing to providing updates by the end of January to CPUs
> released in the last 5 years. Great. How? Can Intel CPU microcode really be
> changed after the part is in a system?
> https://redmondmag.com/blogs/scott-bekker/2018/01/intel-
> patch-chips-in-last-5
> -years.aspx
> Seriously, how are they accomplishing this update? Anyone know?
> Lionel
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