[geeks] SSD for MacBook Pro

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Mon Jun 29 17:21:32 CDT 2015

On Mon, 29 Jun 2015, hike wrote:

> (2) Crucial MX200 500GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive -
> CT500MX200SSD1 for $200

This closely matches the SSD I have in my MacBook Pro.  I have no
complaints, apart from the nonsense one is forced to do in order to
activate TRIM.

OS X 10.9 migrated over to the new device (complete with a recovery
partition) without any complications.

Jonathan Patschke | "Right now, computers, which are supposed to be our
Elgin, TX         |  servant, are oppressing us."
USA               |                                       -- Jef Raskin

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