[geeks] "Expanded Universe" of Star Wars, LOTR, etc.

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sat Nov 29 07:53:43 CST 2014

>> LOTR is ripe for its own expanded universe.  [...]
> Unfortunately the Tolkien Estate disagrees.

I did a re-rendering of the Ainulindalk in verse - same story, just
re-written in verse instead of prose - and wrote asking for permission
to publish.  (I don't think I need it in Canada, as I read our
copyright law, but I'm not about to investigate other jurisdictions'
copyright laws just for this.)

They refused.

I'm not sure what their motivation is, but it has guaranteed I won't
spend money on (say) seeing the Hobbit movie.  (Though the manglings
done in the LotR movies - which I think I saw before this happened -
came pretty close to ensuring that anyway.)

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