[geeks] Old hardware cut-off

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Mon Feb 17 03:17:44 CST 2014

Sent from mobile device that advertises itself for no good reason

> On 17 Feb 2014, at 00:31, Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick at zill.net> wrote:
> I have to agree about the Netra X1, if you want to run totally silent, boot
off a CF-IDE adapter or whatnot and put in a better fan.  I like them,
provided you can get them working well for your particular need.

Helps when you don't snap the fan in half, too...

Any fan recommendations? Also working RAM?

> Concerning the chips on the new boards mentioned, some of them do NAT in
hardware, since it is so commonly requested a feature, and have some other
> Cheers
> Patrick
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