[geeks] State of the BSDs (Was: [rescue] Transplanting a Sun Fire V210 motherboard - PSU requirements?)

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Wed Feb 27 21:23:55 CST 2013

> I'd be interested to hear your (and Mouse's) thoughts about the state
> of the various BSDs.

Well, I already remarked, upthread, on where I see NetBSD as going
these days.  I don't use any of the others enough to be competent to
hold an opinion; for my purposes (an important qualification), NetBSD
is still the best (of an increasingly bad lot).

> I know that Mouse uses older versions of NetBSD, also.

I do.  I still run 1.4T (with numerous private hacks, as is true of
every version I run) on the machines where I can - ie, where it
supports the hardware in question.

The most recent NetBSD I run is 5.2.  I won't run 6.x, and don't expect
to run anything newer, for licensing reasons I can go into if anyone
cares (most briefly, I find the GPLv3 inappropriate for
(supposedly-)open-source work).  This may or may not count as "older
versions" for your purposes.

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