[geeks] the virtualization project

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Sep 9 10:24:58 CDT 2011

On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 12:17:01AM -0400, Shannon wrote:
> * Linux KVM *
> Didn't look at it much, but it does appear to work, and people report
> reliable use cases. It seems like it is not as well engineered as Xen
> since it doesn't really use a hypervisor which can isolate bits from one
> another, but it is a whole lot easier to work with. I guess there are
> pros and cons of both approaches. It also cannot run paravirtualized
> operating systems which can be a big negative.
> Hardware virtualization is neat, but its also rather heavy. You can make
> an OS faster and lighter if it is paravirtualized, while HVM requires
> emulating an entire machine. I think I'd rather have Xen.

ohno.mrbill.net is a Debian 6 quad-core (AMD Athlon II 640) system with 16
of RAM, with ohno being the "native" host system.  I'm also running three
different VMs under Qemu/KVM; two Debian 6 and one FreeBSD, paravirtualized
(virtio) drivers being used when possible.  It's been "in production" for
9-10 months now and works *great*.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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