[geeks] Bug-Out Bags

Rick Hamell hamellr at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 08:05:23 CST 2011

The biggest thing to remember is to re-check the bag every three to six
months. Make sure no mold is growing, all your gear is in good condition,
replenish your emergency water.

It's also a good idea to have multiple bags. The three day, emergency bags
go in the car. Those can be very basic - food, water, blankets, flashlight,

Bigger bags go in the bottom of a closet. They should include sleeping bags,
clothes, shoes, etc, so you can just grab the pack and leave the house if

If you have the room (and money,) a small camp trailer or motorhome
pre-loaded is a good idea also. I personally keep my motorhome loaded all
the time as we frequently take last minute weekend trips. It's just a matter
of grabbing extra clothes and going. Then I replace everything used after
the trip.

Someone else mentioned, don't forget food for the pets in any of your plans.
You can buy doggy back packs for fairly cheap. They're big enough to carry
3-5 days of food and water in bottles for the animals. I have one pre-loaded
for our dog, we also occasionally take her for walks wearing it so that
she's familiar with and use to it. It's stored with the rest of the bags.

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