[geeks] [rescue] consciousness immortality [was: Sun Sparcstation 20 hard disks]

Steve Haavik shaavik at soc.lib.md.us
Mon Aug 29 09:17:39 CDT 2011

> Or just keep re-creating himself, like the character in the Schwarzenegger 
> movie (I forget the name, but it was the one with clones).

The 6th Day (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0216216/)

I think I liked Multiplicity (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117108/) 
better. Well, maybe not. Don't remember stuff blowing up.

Ghost in the Shell (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113568/) did it too in 
one of the episodes. Plus lots of androids, robots, AIs, and cyborgs.

If you want a really disturbing look at where whole person cloning could 
take us, read "Fat Farm" by Orson Scott Card. It's in "Maps in a Mirror" 

Heck, Doctor Who even had a cloning episode this season. 

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