[geeks] Solaris 10 mysteryZZ

Michael Parson mparson at bl.org
Mon Aug 22 10:43:42 CDT 2011

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Fellow geeks,
> I just discovered that /tmp on my Solaris 10 box has sprouted a large
> number of identical two-byte files named /tmp/xfile.(\d+).  The numeric
> parts are seemingly random, but look like they might be process IDs.
> Each contains 0\n.  None are in use.  Their creation times are
> apparently random, and I can find no evidence for their being created by
> any script known to me.  They are owned root:root, mode 0644.  They have
> the following frequency distribution by date:


> Anyone ever seen this before?  Any theories as to what might be creating
> them?

Running MySQL by any chance?


Michael Parson
Unix Thug
Austin, TX

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