[geeks] California Proposition 14

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 10:57:56 CDT 2010

On Jun 6, 2010, at 12:00 AM, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:

> For example, the electoral college.

The electoral college still makes sense, though it is hard for some to  
see that when their candidate won a popular vote but lost in the  
electoral vote.

An absolute, add up every vote and pick the winner sounds fine, but in  
reality would open the door to greater problems IMHO. The United  
States of America are just that, a collection of independent states.  
States have differing views of who can and can not vote (think  
criminal, not age, race, gender), and differing laws regarding the  
rights of the clinically insane as far as voting is concerned.

I don't want the government CA, NY, TX, FL and a few other states  
want, I want the government that best reflects the country as a whole,  
and the electoral college does that, or atleast approaches that ideal  
better than the alternatives.

Do I resent Iowa & New Hampshire's defining roll in the presidential  
election process? Perhaps, but NH takes their role very seriously, and  
well, if it wasn't Iowa and Ethanol it would be some other state and  
their special project...


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