[geeks] geeks Digest, Vol 86, Issue 11

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 18:15:58 CST 2010

On Jan 20, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Jonathan Patschke <jp at celestrion.net>  

> [0] You know how it is in government organizations.  Spend all your  
> budget
>    to ensure you get as much or more next year!  At least in Texas,  
> most
>    agencies and schools are -prohibited- from saving money to  
> anticipate dips in tax revenue.

You are conflating two different things...

Why should a taxpayer in 2008 fund a rainy day fund that will be used  
in another year? The money collected in 2008 should be spent to  
benefit the community that paid the taxes.

The phenomenon of spending every dime in this year's budget to assure  
similar (or better) funding the following year is not unique to public  
school systems.


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