[geeks] Netbook/OS X suggestions?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 20:57:25 CST 2010

I saw a nice, basic laptop at Best Buy today, $329, big 15" widescreen  
(1320x768, IIRC), 3 Gig RAM, 160 Gig HD, DVD-R/W from Acer. It had a  
low-end AMD TF-20(? from memory) single core CPU & AMD chipset, so no  
good for OS X, but that was a very low-cost, fairly capable laptop  
alternative to a netbook.

Just a data point. They also had some nice $550-600 laptops, but  
nothing 'exciting'...


On Jan 1, 2010, at 2:05 PM, William Barnett-Lewis  
<wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:

> OTOH, we _might_ be able to afford a netbook. What is the best
> compromise between cost, ability to take the SATA drive from this
> machine, & hacking OS X to work on it?

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