[geeks] iPad - NOT a 'Miss' for me I'm afraid

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 13:23:48 CST 2010

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:09 PM,  <nate at portents.com> wrote:


>> Multiple devices also need to be physically manageable, carrying an
>> iPhone, iPad, and a netbook/laptopcould be cumbersome, no?
> My iPhone lives in my pocket.  My messenger bag has a notebook section and
> has room for an iPad-sized device as well.  I don't think it'd be
> cumbersome.

Let's see:

iPhone 3GS - 0.3 pounds (4.8 oz)
MacBook - 4.7 pounds
iPad - 1.6 pounds (3G & WiFi model)

You are approaching 7 pounds of electronics on your person (although
with the proper dongles you could recharge all three from the laptop
power adapter at what, another pound pound and a half?) - that is a
bit much to carry from class to class PLUS books...

>> Libraries across america loan out VHS tapes every day, schools show
>> VHS tapes in classes every day, grandparents have shelves of VHS tapes
>> for their grandchildren. Sales of VHS tapes/recorders may be
>> non-existant, but the devices didn't all disappear when Blockbuster
>> went all DVD.
> For the customers for whom VHS is still important, there are plenty of
> ways they can digitize their old videos and put them in iTunes and sync
> them to their iPods/iPads, so there's nothing more that Apple needs to do
> really.  They are best off doing that digitizing and editing and archiving
> on their computers.
>> Woot recently had an Ion VHS -> PC player (tape drive and USB video
>> converter in one package) for $29.95, I bought one on a whim (to
>> capture old McDonald's VHS tapes to iPod for my young daughter), and
>> when I mentioned it to folks at $work, everyone had some level of
>> interest in such a device (a VHS tape conversion "appliance", if you
>> will, link here: http://www.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=11090 )...
> Yeah, Ion doing the old 'stick a cheap USB digitizer inside the case of a
> cheap analog playback device' product, like their USB turntables.  I
> actually care about the quality of my analog sources and digitizers and
> will buy used prosumer/progear over some new crap someone like Ion puts
> out.  Ion's gear is probably worse quality than if you bought the $14.80
> "USB 2.0 Video Grabber with Audio" from monoprice.com and picked up an old
> used VCR at a yard sale to do your digitizing.

My point was that VHS technology is still in use by many folks - you
dismissed them as "luddites" (my word) who shouldn't be considered
when designing for "the future of technology."


Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at gmail.com

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