[geeks] [rescue] Ultra 5 OS

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 08:44:04 CDT 2010

Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> IBM used to give away it's operating system software and basic
>> applications
>> programs. In the early 1950's it started a library of free software
>> from contributors. So they were giving away open source software long
>> before Cygnus existed.
> Actually, the OS and early compilers were bundled w/hardware, not 'free'
> as I recall, and with the rise of plug-compatible mainframes they were
> forced 'productize' it to keep it out of the hands of competitors.

No, there was actually a large library of software that was actually 
free.  And still is.

Peace...  Sridhar

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