[geeks] Recommendations for RAID

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 09:16:22 CDT 2010

Hi everyone.  I'm looking for one of two possible solutions to a 
problem.  I have a Sun A5200 and 22 300GB FC-AL hard drives.  I need a 
raid controller to talk to them.  The optimal setup would be a 
multichannel FC-AL RAID controller that sits in a PCI-X or PCI-Express 
connector.  The second option would be an external box that talks over 
multiple FC buses to the A5200 and performs all RAID functions, and 
talks over a couple of FC buses to the host.

Any suggestions as to which device would work for me?  My OS is NetBSD, 
so any internal RAID card would have to work there.  I suppose the best 
would be the Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000, but it seems to have been 
discontinued, and I can't find one.


Peace...  Sridhar

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