[geeks] Pens and ink

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Wed May 13 19:12:06 CDT 2009

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke
<jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2009, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> eep!
>> recently discontinued.  They also don't scratch across the paper like
> many of the drafting/technical pens I've used before.

Those are intended for use on vellum, which is smooth and slick, or
other papers designed for inkwork, unlike normal writing papers.  I
love Rotrings, Koh-i-nor and other rapidograph technical pens.
Unfortunately, they are not really practical for daily writing due to
the way the tip works (fine filament inside a tube).

The latest gel/rollerball type pen I like is the Pentel EngerGel.  The
ink dries faster than most gel pens and the ball tips seem to be
consistently smooth.  IME, with Uniballs, I often got "dud" tips that
had too much drag (and I'm all about the "no drag").

Check dickblick.com--they have lots of variety in pens and inks.  If
you are in Texas, Texas Art Supply was always a good alternative
before Dick Blick went on-line.  (Dick Blick HQ is 10 mi from where I
grew up in Illinois.  It spoiled me. Unfortunately, they don't have a
store at HQ anymore, though you can do "will call".  Dick Blick is one
of the few small-town Midwest Internet success stories.)


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